Friday, 19 March 2010

Art work

We started this 'school' year with Giotto and Botticello, notebooking pages are below. We found doing our copies of their famous painting a little difficult to say the least but it was good fun trying all the same. We are using The History of Art by A.N.Hodge which we bought from our The Works, our local reduced priced bookstore and Ambleside Online for information.

After a while I decided we needed something a little easier to paint so we concentrated on 20th century artists; this did the job nicely and coincided with our study of World War Two.
Below is our version of a Matisse. This was done by making a patchwork out of scraps of paper and fabric and then cutting out lots of shapes and sticking them on and trying to make it look something like his.

Below is our attempt at a Kandinsky. We used acrylic paints on acrylic paper and made lots of mess and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Below is our take on Van Gogh's 'sunflowers'. We had lots of pistachio shells left over (I collect anything) so we used them to form the petals and used various seeds to form the middle of the flowers. We painted on canvas using acrylic paints and stuck a piece of fabric on top for the vase. I was vacumming the seeds up for days afterwards :o)

Below is our African art that we are currently doing during our African study, more to follow soon I hope.

We got quite attached to Van Gogh and so tried to do our version of 'a starry night'.

Below is the very first painting my youngest did this year, so I thought it deserved a place here, I love it.

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