Sunday, 6 June 2010

Green Festival

We had a lovely afternoon here. It was a much larger event than I had first thought with loads of things happening, something for everyone's tastes I reckon :o)

Our local home ed group had a stall there which apparently got lots of interest so we'll wait and see if anything comes of it. My youngest bought a roller boot 'Pandora' bead and we had a freshly stone baked pizza for lunch. I got lots of information about composting so I am raring to try again as last years compost came out rather heavy and very wet; aparently I needed to put more 'browns' into it, so now I know :o)

For a perfect ending to a perfect day... it is pouring down with rain so for the first time in two weeks I get to put my feet up instead of watering the plants in the garden, yeay!

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