Sunday, 10 October 2010

Theatre Royal again

Back to the theatre this week to see RSC Hamlet for kids and it was fabulous. My youngest and I really enjoyed it. We left friends their and had a shopping day gathering everything we needed so that I wouldn't have to go into town again for a while, it's far too busy for my liking.

When we got home we found a rather hungry and grumpy older child.

He felt this way for two reasons 1) There wasn'y ANY food to eat in the house at all and he was starving, 2) he'd wanted to go see Hamlet but we didn't book him a ticket way back in February because he hadn't wanted to go then.
To comfort him for his mother mistreating him in this way I made him a batch of Granola (which he adores).

My youngest has continued to work on various lapbooks and meet up with friends during the week. She's also preparing for halloween by sewing her friends dress, I think she's done a really good job of it too.

My middle child continues with his on line work and is currently looking for an affordable C++ course to do and my oldest child is actually enjoying her college course, I would go as far as to say she is thriving on it. I am so pleased with her.

My hubby is currently on his holidays from work so we have lots of DIY planned for next week; I'll update if we actually get any done because usually something else happens and plans change, but that's life.

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